Denver In-Home Couple's Session | Cozy Lifestyle Photography
Coffee. Record Players. and Cooking.
I wish this blog post came with one of those scratch and sniff points on the screen, where you could smell the cozy and toasty aromas of the brewing coffee-which is exactly how we started this shoot.
But if you go ahead and scroll down to the first photo of the gallery I think your mind will envision if for you. Which if you haven’t yet started looking at the photos yet, why not? I’m a photographer, not a writer. You came here to see these pics. And thats precisely what you are gonna see. But I’m also typing a blog post to go along with the images to give you a little context and background on the shoot.
What is this session?
It was an in-home session with Payton and Sarabeth. And June. or Junie B as we call her. Thats P + S’s newfoundland that you will definitely be seeing in this session.
We started off in the morning with the aforementioned coffee, and with it we had like, the best fucking vegan banana bread you can ever think of. Seriously.
Which by the way, Sarabeth here is a fantastic cook and culinary expert, and also a killer designer, you should check out her blog of food and things here:
After coffee was ready, we went for a quick cuddle on the couch, and then it was time to cook the main dish: Pasta. I’m not sure of a more official name for it than that. You’ll have to ask Sarabeth by following that link I just posted to her blog above and contact her yourself. Seriously, they put on cheeseboard and charcuterie workshop nights in Denver, Co! They’re awesome.
Garlic was chopped, and lemons and olive oil were added to the recipe. I think. I was taking photos, not taking a cooking class- therefore not paying attention to the process. But I know those objects were there, because there are photos of them-which was my job.
Anyways, to make a long story slightly more long, Payton and Sarabeth cooked together, snuggled on the couch with Junie together, listened to records together and basically just had a really rad normal day in their house.
Creating together.
I’m glad I got to be a part of it.
Check out all the awesome photos from their in-home lifestyle session below!